My points from the live stream: (My speed typing continues, as always I hope I caught everything.)

  • The Suicide Squad panel with Director James Gunn
  • Gunn states, “Most fun creating something incredibly special for people.”
  • Gunn was asked who has favourite Suicide Squad character was, “love the character of Amanda Waller… different at the time so cool.”
  • Gunn states he was excited to write for the character of Harley Quinn, referring to her trickster nature, how as a writer it’s fun to write.
  • Continuing with the statement Gunn says it’s, “not an adaptation of comics, but as a sequel to your [John Ostrander] comics.
  • It is the spirit of and lifeblood of comics.
  • Touching on inspiration.
  • A fan asked who Gunn’s favourite villain was, Gunn stated he’s a “huge Batman fan.” Furthering that by pinpointing who his favourite villain was, “Bat-Mite” saying Batmite is hilarious and creepy. “Don’t think I didn’t think about putting Bat-Mite in The Suicide Squad, cause I did.”
  • Gunn then delves into who is who in The Suicide Squad. Viola Davis returns as Amanda Waller, Joel Kinnaman returns as Rick Flag, Michael Rooker as Savant, Flula Borg as Javelin, Margot Robbie returns as Harley Quinn, David Dastmalchian as Polka Dot Man, Daniela Melchior as Ratcatcher 2, Idris Elba as Bloodsport, Steve Agee as King Shark, Mayling Ng as Mongal, Peter Capaldi as Thinker, Alice Braga as Solsoria, Pete Davidson as Blackguard, Nathan Fillion as TDK, Sean Gunn as Weasel, Jai Courtney returns as Captain Boomerang and John Cena as Peace-Maker. Taika Waititi, Storm Reid as Tyla, Joaquin Cosio as General Mateo Suarez, Juan Diego Botto as Luna, Julio Ruiz, Tinashe Kajese and Jennifer Holland as Emilia Harcourt also star in the film.
  • I was most excited to find Peter Capaldi as Thinker
  • And then I lost connection, from what I last saw they were about to play a game and the two leaders were Viola Davis and Joel Kinnaman.
  • The connection returns!
  • And then we end with Peter Capaldi talking about the superhero film industry, joining a superhero film and referencing Doctor Who!
  • And we find out Viola Davis’ team won (the best).
  • The Suicide Squad is set to be released August 6 2021.
  • A special behind the scenes look takes us on set and gives us that little sneak peek until 2021.
  • We see a much darker take on the squad and a costume change for Harley Quinn.


Trailer courtesy of Roadshow Films

Trailer courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

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