FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY! The new Justice League trailer has been released and we finally have answers. We have a storyline too, or at least something that resembles an idea to the possible plot line the superhero film will follow. It looks so amazing, and we catch a glimpse of Superman!

Whether it’s a dream or in fact reality, we will establish that next month when we finally watch the film. I feel a bit like Sirius Black at the moment, channelling the whole “I did my waiting… 12 years of it…” because it’s probably been that long personally waiting for this film! (I’m sure it’s been longer for others).

Plus having David Bowie’s, Heroes as the soundtrack for this trailer is pure genius. The imagery is on point and we hear more from Aquaman (Jason Momoa) which is a great bonus (this coming off Oz Comic Con weekend, having had a mini reunion with the legend). Wonder Woman, again, shines! She’ll be a standout in the team. Honestly counting down the days now!

Trailer courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures Youtube Channel

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